On-Site Corporate Chair Massage
Massage Genesis can provide chair massage for the most important two hours at your convention booth, or we can serve hundreds of people per hour at a special event. We bring our skilled and professional massage therapists to your office, party, special event or trade show convention booth seamlessly. We operate on highly flexible time and budget scales allowing us to meet your needs whether they be large or small.
Chair massage in the office has become commonplace. It's easy, fast and relatively inexpensive when compared with other employee benefits. Our therapists come ready to work when your company needs to relax or deserves a reward whether that's Wednesday morning, Friday evening or over the weekend. There are many scientifically studied benefits of chair massage as well as benefits to your business including:
Employee Benefits:
Decrease Stress
Immune System Boost
Improve Circulation
Less Muscle Pain
Headache Relief
Improve Thinking
Lower Blood Pressure
Enhance Flexibility
Employer Benefits:
Increase Productivity
Improve Retention Rates
Decrease Absenteeism
Lessen Stress and Ergonomics Related Injuries
Reduce Muscle Pain
Lower Stress Levels
Chair massage is a 'water-cooler' event, it allows employees to interact on a non-work basis and gives you a chance to find out how your employees are doing.
Chair massage is often a great fit for other settings as well. At convention centers, corporate outings, and sporting events where people are on their feet, bustling around for long periods of time, chair massage can be a soothing and rejuvenating respite in the middle of a hectic setting. People often get overwhelmed in these sorts of environments and are much more likely to stay longer and enjoy more of the event if they can stay calm, relaxed and pain free with on-site chair massage.
For similar reasons offering chair massage at parties such as weddings, birthdays, family reunions, Christmas parties and bar mitzvah can be a very welcome offering. These celebrations can be accompanied by anxiety, stress and expectation, all of which can be soothed away by a certified massage therapist who can set up a massage chair just about anywhere and begin working miracles. Some benefits to bringing a chair massage therapist to your next special event include:
Attendee Benefits:
- Decrease Stress
- Immune System Boost
- Improve Circulation
- Less Muscle Pain
- Headache Relief
- Improve Thinking
- Lower Blood Pressure
- Enhance Flexibility
- Increase Energy and Stamina
Organizer Benefits:
- Massage is Incentive to Attend
- Attendees Stay Longer
- Lower Stress Levels
- Improve Attitude and Sense of Calm
- Increase Alertness and Interest in Event
On-site chair massage adds a special touch of therapy and relaxation to any event. Whether it be the office, golf tournament, wedding celebration, convention or other special event, chair massage provides the best outcomes at very moderate costs, providing you with the best value possible.. What could be better than a service that will bring you happier employees, customers and guests all having a better time and feeling great while doing it(and in some cases making you more money). On-site chair massage is a service that you and those around you deserve.
For more information and price quotes call MassageGenesis.Com at 512-430-HEAL OR 512-553-8577